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Teiji Ito: Music For Film (Brisbane International Film Festival)

  • Australian Cinémathèque GOMA Stanley Place South Brisbane, QLD, 4101 Australia (map)

Liquid Archi­tec­ture and Bris­bane Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val present a world first performance of film scores by sin­gu­lar Japan­ese-Amer­i­can com­poser Teiji Ito, most famous for his leg­endary col­lab­o­ra­tions with film­mak­ers Maya Deren and Marie Menken.

For this unique event, researcher and musi­cian Michiko Ogawa has tran­scribed Ito’s orig­i­nal record­ings in detail, and assem­bled a group of musi­cians to realise a world first live per­for­mance of 6 of Ito’s most well-known film scores set to the 16mm films of Deren and Menken.